MOTOSONIC ultrasonic level sensor, 420 mm, middle, linear, 54 mm 5-hole-flange


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MOTOSONIC ultrasonic level sensor, 420 mm, mittel, linear, 54 mm 5-hole-flange 608 043 1051

Totals 118,10 
SKU: 608 043 1051 Categories: ,

With the ultrasonic level sensor MOTOSONIC you enter a new dimension of measuring content levels because measurement of the liquid level in a tank is done contactless by using ultrasonic technology.

The flexible MOTOSONIC can be used for quite a high number of liquids in various tank shapes.

The ultrasonic level sensor MOTOSONIC generates a high frequency sound wave to measure the time, the wave needs to run to the fluid level and back, after it was reflected by the liquid surface. Based on the measured time and the speed of sound, the distance between the sensor and the liquid surface can be calculated, and by this means the tank content as well.

It is important for the calculation to take also the tank shape into account, just as waves on the surface of the liquid or possibly upcoming reflections in the tank. Compared with classical level sensors, measurement with the ultrasonic method is very precise, because distance is detected with an accuracy of ± 2.5 mm and a resolution of 1.8 mm.

Moreover, measurement is done contactless to the medium, what avoids abrasion of mechanical parts and increases the lifetime of the sensor. Fixing on the tank is realized by a 54 mm 5-hole-flange or an 80 mm 6-hole-flange adapter (other flanges can also be offered on request).

The electrical connection is realized with a Delphi-connector. By programming a table of interpolation values into the sensor, tank contents of various tank shapes can exactly be displayed on standard gauges.

Length: 600 mm
Damping: middle
Characteristic Line: linear
Mounting: 54 mm 5-hole-flange
Part No.: 608 043 1051

MOTOSONIC 810 with Three-Wire Connection
Three-Wire Connection: Output signal: 0.5 to 4.5 Volts

Technical specifications
Operating voltage: 10 to 30 Volts
Output signal: 3-Wire: 0.5 to 4.5 Volts
(Output impedance 1k to 20 kOhm)
Max. measuring length: 810 mm
Blind area: 50 mm
ESD: 15 KV
Mechanical shock: 18 G Shock
Vibration: 4 G, 8 hours each 3 directions in space
Acoustic cone angle 6 degrees
Operation temperature: -40 to +85 °C


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